Solar-Powered Heat Pumps: Clean And Comfortable Home HVAC

Are you a homeowner looking for more ways to decrease your carbon footprint or minimize your utility payments? Or maybe you’re concerned with energy independence and being self-sufficient. No matter the reason for your energy-efficiency needs, a solar-powered heat pump system can be an amazing leap toward getting off the grid.

Today, you can take advantage of solar energy by coupling it with a heat pump to significantly improve your home’s HVAC efficiency. In some cases, the power generated by your solar panel array may even be sufficient to eliminate heating and air conditioning expenses altogether.

We all know that solar power is a renewable energy source that’s easy to install in just about any home. Add to that the fact that heat pumps use very little electricity to heat and cool a home year-round.

As an experienced product manager at HVAC distributor Peirce-Phelps for over ten years, I have closely monitored the latest advancements in heating and cooling technology.

In addition, I have collaborated with dozens of HVAC professionals who have successfully installed thousands of mini splits and heat pumps.

As a result, I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact these systems have on homeowners in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

In this article, I’ll explain through everything you need to know about combining solar power with a heat pump.  And, if you want to learn more about how a system like this can be tailored to your home, click below to schedule a free consultation with a certified installer in your area.


How A Solar-Powered Heat Pump Works

A solar-powered heat pump uses solar energy instead of electricity from the grid to run a home heating and cooling system.

An air-source heat pump is an HVAC system that heats and cools by transferring heat from one place to another. In the winter, it  absorbs heat from the air or ground outside a building and moves it inside to warm the space.

This type of heat pump requires very little power because it does not generate heat by burning fossil fuels. Instated, it moves that thermal energy from one place to another. It can also be used for water heating instead of a traditional gas-powered system.

Meanwhile, thermal solar panels convert energy from the sun’s rays into electricity. Since heat pumps provide high-efficiency heating and cooling, combining one with solar electricity can drastically lower your utility bills and reliance on outside energy.

Solar-Assisted Heat Pumps and Hybrid Setups

A hybrid setup ensures that you don’t have to rely on your solar system 24 hours a day for your hot water system or to heat and cool your home. Instead, a hybrid system can switch between solar energy and power from the grid to run the heat exchanging process day and night.

This is an alternative to investing in solar batteries to store energy for your solar heat pump when there isn’t enough sunlight to power the system.

Go Ductless: Solar-Powered Mini Split Heat Pump Design Advantages

You can take your energy savings to the next level by combining your heat pump and solar thermal panel array with a mini split setup. These HVAC systems use individual air handlers in different rooms, or zones, in the house, to deliver heating or cooling.

Better Comfort Control

These systems provide a constant flow of air to maintain the ambient air temperature to within a degree of your thermostat setting.

Even Lower Energy Bills

Each indoor unit works independently from the others. You can choose different temperatures for each room or shut off the air handler in a room you’re not using.

Off-the-Grid Energy Independence

With a properly installed off-grid solar heating system homeowners can enjoy a reliable source of energy without worrying about blackouts, power outages, or sudden energy price increases.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

By using clean and renewable energy to power your heating system, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. This is an important step in the fight against climate change and can make a significant impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Clean Electricity

Solar-powered energy is “clean,” meaning the flow of electricity is always steady. Utility companies often send power spikes, or “dirty electricity” into the house. These surges damage appliances over time.

Solar Powered Heat Pumps: Clean Energy and Better Comfort

If you’re looking for a reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly way to heat your home or business, a solar powered heat pump could be the solution. By combining heat pumps with solar energy, you can reduce your heating costs while also decreasing your carbon footprint.

Get Rebates From Your Utility Company

Many utility companies offer incentives for customers who install solar powered heat pumps. These incentives can come in the form of rebates, electricity credits, or other financial incentives that can help offset the initial cost of installation. Check with your utility company to see if they offer any such programs.

How A Solar Powered Heat Pump Is Installed

Installing a solar powered heat pump involves a few extra steps compared to a traditional heat pump installation.

First, a solar panel array must be installed on your property. This array will generate electricity that will be used to power your heat pump.

Next, your utility company will install a special utility meter that can measure both the electricity you use and the electricity you generate from your solar panels.

Once these steps are complete, your heat pump can be installed and connected to your new solar power system.

Frequently-Asked Questions

Keep reading for a few more FAQs and their answers. Or, click below to set up a free consultation with a certified dealer anywhere in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, or Maryland.

How much solar do I need to run a heat pump?

The amount of solar needed to power a heat pump depends on factors such as the size of the heat pump, the climate, and the energy efficiency of your home. It’s best to consult with a professional to determine your specific solar needs.

Will a heat pump work in 0-degree weather?

Yes, heat pumps can work in temperatures as low as 0 degrees Fahrenheit, but they may become less efficient as the temperature drops. Consider investing in a heat pump designed for colder climates or supplementing with an additional heating source.

Can I heat my house with solar power?

Yes, you can heat your house with solar power by installing a solar thermal system or using a heat pump powered by solar panels. However, the size of the system needed will depend on factors such as your location, the size of your home, and your heating needs.

Are you ready to learn more? Get a free consultation to learn more about Philadelphia, PA heat pump installation services or anywhere in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware or Maryland.

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David Lamb
David Lamb has been a product manager at Peirce Phelps, a leading HVAC distributor, for more than 12 years. Based in Blue Bell, PA, he develops new lines of business around the latest innovations in heating, cooling, and indoor air quality. As an early web 2.0 advocate, David focussed on using then-new social media channels. inbound marketing strategies, and digital mediums early in his time at Pierce Phelps. Since then, he’s launched dozens of consumer-focussed programs to educate homeowners and other buyers about the latest HVAC technology, products and services. He’s also expanded the reach of his contractor base to educate HVAC professionals on new products and their applications. His efforts have resulted in a 150% increase in revenue for his portfolio of products. Carrier Ductless is one of David’s latest consumer-based channels. It’s designed as a one-stop shop for homeowners and property managers looking for ways to increase comfort and reduce expenses in their homes or commercial spaces. The site features a wealth of information about high-efficiency heat pumps and mini splits from first-hand knowledge of these products. Readers can use the interactive map to connect with trusted HVAC contractors in their area. Each contractor has been vetted as part of the Peirce Phelps network to ensure quality HVAC installations and service.